
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Reason Why I'm Unsatisfied With The Government

The federal government is not doing a good job with gun control.  The reason is that America is having a more frequent mass shooting. This is a bad thing because it puts millions of lives in danger. Despite having many Americans for gun control (between 50-60%) the US somehow still has weak gun laws. This is a bad thing because the American peoples’ voice is not being heard. To get a gun the only thing that could potentially prevent an unfit person to get a gun is if they were charged a felony. Most people who harm themselves with guns got them legally. These are the people who are likely to have mental health issues. Even though the federal law states no one who was involuntarily admitted to the psychiatric hospital can own a gun, there are ways to hide or avoid it. This results in loopholes that can be exploited. For example, someone can be diagnosed with a serious mental illness but not take any steps to get better. When they are at their lowest point, they can hide it, buy a gun a

My Commentary of My College's Work

In  Libertarian Lad y, the author Tonni Hammler is making the argument. It appeared in a section of a blog. The argument was that the wall that Donald Trump is trying to build is imprudent and a waste of money. To get the audience's attention she uses a lot of exclamation marks and gives the reader some mind-blowing facts. This could affect the content because it makes it very powerful. The basic argument is that America should not build a wall between the US and Mexico. The assumption that she relies on is that the wall is too expensive. It states that instead of using that money on the wall we could spend it on more important things such as helping the homeless. The important terms are clearly defined in this piece. Even though she clearly expresses her emotions, her claims have been backed by a good amount of evidence. The argument was successful and it did convince me. Now I think that it's a bad idea because it's a waste of money and because "illegal" immigra