Critique of Andrew O'Reilly on Kavanaugh, says he'll get to the bottom of It

The person who wrote this article is Andrew O'Reilly and, the main argument was that the accusation of Brett Kavanaugh was a hoax.  Brett Kavanaugh is a DC Circuit Court Judge being nominated for supreme court justice and, he is accused of is sexually assaulting a Dr. Blasey Ford when he was a senior in high school. He says that the accusation is false and has another politician to back him up. For example, in paragraph six the quote, 'this is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics' from Graham. This shows based on who the writer quotes what he stands for. To attract a more conservative audience they gave Kavanaugh's and Graham's perspective more. This affects the contents because It becomes more one-sided. He relies mainly on what Graham says and goes forward with that.  This is not supported with facts or evidence because he heavily relies on what this one person says.  There is not any solid document that is not biased that he shows that proves that Brett Kavanaugh is innocent. This argument was not successful, nor did it convince me at all because the evidence is very weak and not very useful in this case.  My beliefs are still the same that Brett Kavanaugh is guilty. If I did accept his argument I most likely would have rethought about my beliefs.  The political significance is it shows that Brett Kavanagh is being rushed into a lifetime position without a proper investigation based off dr. Ford’s allegations.  The difference that this article made to my understanding to the way that the political world works is that it does not matter how bad the allegations are people want to rush things.


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